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Introducing the semilimes SDK for Microcontrollers
6 min read
Introducing the semilimes SDK for Microcontrollers

The **semilimes SDK** is a powerful C++ library designed for connecting microcontrollers to the semilimes platform, a messaging ecosystem that bridges human and machine interactions. This guide provides an overview of the SDK’s features, provisioning process, and JSON messaging structure, enabling developers to seamlessly integrate IoT devices into the semilimes network.

Flavio Ansovini

Flavio Ansovini

Node-RED: A Seamless Connection to semilimes IOT Platform
2 min read
Node-RED: A Seamless Connection to semilimes IOT Platform

Elevate your IoT integration experience with the semilimes IoT Connector Library, bridging the gap between devices and the cloud.

Davide Ribezzo

Davide Ribezzo